some cool web sites :)

here are some other web sites belonging to friends, acquaintances, and other various people i just think are cool.

friends and such

i've got a few friends who have their own websites, so i'll be adding those to here over time!

the rest of 'em!

if you've got a website, and you like my website, and you think i would like yours, hit me up and maybe i will add your site to my page! you can email me here, or if you prefer you can send me a dm on twitter.

the queer art webring:

the webring code was having some issues on several people's sites, so i think we are all just adding each other to our friends pages now! warning: many of these web sites are 18+ or nsfw. proceed with respect and heed all warnings!

return to index

this page was last updated april 4th of 2024.